Odalism – The Nordic Thought (AHF)

Odalism – the Nordic thought

In our world today there exist innumerable ideologies. What most of these doctrines have in common is the lack of an overall view; in many cases this overall view is lacking or is neglected to the advantage of various “higher values”. Odalism offers an overall view that is based on the Nordic thought – the thought of blood, soil and spirituality.

Those who don’t value the blood, belittles the value of the source from where the Nordic spirit has its origin. We administrate a gift from the Æsir, a heritage from our ancestors; and a loan from our children – millions of years of evolution – and it is our duty not only to protect the purity of the blood, but also promote the development towards the next step in the evolution of mankind.

Those who don’t value the soil, belittles the value of the humus were the Nordic blood has its roots and its origins. Just as we protect and care for the Nordic blood, shall we safeguard the nature which have shaped our qualities and formed our distinctive character. A people can only keep itself healthy and prosperous through an interplay and inseparable unification with a clean and healthy environment.

Those who do not value spirituality, belittles the value of thousands of years of wisdom and acquired knowledge; which lies dormant in our blood, and which talks to us through our myths and customs. Our ancient blood bound moral, worldview and view of life shall yet again, like the needle of a compass, lead our people onto the right track in development, prevent us from degenerating morally, and accompany us into the future.

The Odalist understands that the blood, the soil and the spirituality are vital elements of a whole, a holy circle; and that it is of utter importance that this circle once more be closed and preserved intact. The Odalist understands that it is essentially the Christian/Materialistic mentality that has lead us to the abyss of death; and that an eventual “new Europe” – which isn’t totally freed from this harmful mentality – is doomed from its birth to begin a journey in the same direction. It is therefore of utter importance that Europe’s coming re-birth – through the struggle for Blood and Odal – takes its nourishment from the concept which we choose to call Odalism – the Nordic thought.

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